Coastal Vs Industrial: Which One is Better for You

Moving into a new house or renovating the one you live in requires a lot of interior design ideas. This is not an easy task and should be considered carefully. We all have different preferences and tastes and sometimes it can be difficult to choose. Coastal and industrial interior designs are very popular and trendy. Many homeowners decide to dress up their homes in this manner with coastal bed frames or industrial tables and enjoy the wonderful setting and decoration. Both of these styles have their pros and cons, and which one you choose depends on your personal preference. But remember that the most important part is for you to feel safe and comfortable inside.

Coastal Style

Bedroom with coastal style

When someone mentions coastal interior design, your mind probably goes to seeing sails, anchors and seashells. Even though the name may lead you to this thought, you would be wrong because these decorations are a part of the nautical theme. The coastal style is a bit more toned down, has fewer details and it’s not gaudy. It’s about bringing the beach and its vibe inside the house.

Mother nature is the main inspiration for this style and its colours and materials. There’s a plethora of gorgeous coastal-style beds you can complement with cushions or throw blankets. These beds are often made from recycled woods such as pine, fir and larch and they look amazing. They’re oftentimes hand-carved and have coastal-inspired patterns that will complement the theme.

Another thing you could do is incorporate jute textures. Combine them with natural, earthy tones, layered blues and whites and a lot of linen. This interior design needs a lot of natural light. Make sure you open up the space and don’t make it overcrowded with decoration or a lot of furniture. Make it open and airy. Glass doors and skylights would be a perfect way to achieve this.

Sitting in this room should make you feel like there are no walls between you and the outdoors. To stay with the theme, your furniture should be made of natural materials such as wicker, rattan and weathered wood. If you’re a fan of rugs, they should be made from seagrass, straw or jute. They’ll not only play a big part in the decoration but will also make you feel like you’re on a luxury vacation in Santorini.

Living room with coastal style

Stay away from metallic or shiny details, they don’t belong in this theme. Don’t buy heavy and thick curtains that will completely block out the sunlight. Buy natural and flowy fabrics such as linen and cotton. Use them for curtains, throws, cushions and tablecloths. They’ll keep the space breezy and open.

When it comes to colour, the coastal style leans towards minimalism. White should be the colour that dominates the theme and open up the space. Of course, you can add a pop of colour, but keep it soft and simple. Restrain yourself because this is not a bold interior design that screams colour. Stay close to the neutrals such as light blues, greys, greens, white and light browns.

If you want to change things once in a while, you can use slipcovers for the furniture. This way you can play with the colour palette, textures and patterns without breaking the theme. You can match the cushions with the wall clock, the rug with the throw blankets or the table with the flooring or the shelves. If you’re so keen on adding seashells, woven baskets or bottles, don’t overdo it because it’ll become kitschy and unattractive.

Industrial Style

House with industrial style

The industrial style interior design is the complete opposite of the coastal one. It became popular in the early 2000s. It emerged because of the shortage of housing places. But people soon embraced it and it became very popular. It got inspiration from old factories and warehouses. These buildings were transformed into living spaces with open floor plans.

There’s no place for coastal-style beds or Scandinavian side tables and sofas. This theme is all about taking something old, recycling it and giving it a new life. Or you can get something vintage and not repair it at all. The main thing is to give a piece of furniture a second chance without completely changing its look and taking its character away.

This is a style that requires darker tones. It’s made for colours such as black, grey, brown and some subtle details in neutrals. The only similarity with the coastal style is the open floor plan, plus the tall ceilings. Basically, there’s one large open area that has several discretely separated rooms inside of it. Sometimes you can’t even find where one room ends and the other one starts.

Almost every piece of furniture is salvaged and many of the materials are raw. Some of the most common ones are metal, wood, glass, brass, copper and iron. All of the panelling is made of reclaimed wood and you can often see exposed architectural beams and ductwork. Other characteristic features are cement floors and brick walls because they accentuate the industrial vibe.

Getting the right lighting is very important. Mostly because the colour scheme is dark and you’ll need all the light you can get. You can have an entire wall made of glass or get large windows. If you want something more enclosed with smaller windows, you can add Edison bulbs. These bare lights can stand alone in a group of several, depending on the level of brightness you’re looking for.

Living room with industrial style with Edison bulbs

Floor lamps are also an option. They’re made of recycled metal and have unusual shades. When you’re looking for furniture, go to antique shops. They often have a big variety of tables, beds, cabinets and chairs that’ll match your theme perfectly. You can often find something very unique you can incorporate, so don’t shy away from looking in many stores before buying.

If you want to incorporate more colour, go for it. Adding colourful details can make the space even better. But don’t exaggerate, you’ll ruin the theme. Incorporating blocky shapes and squared lines is what adds cohesion to the appearance. This doesn’t mean curved and abstract shapes aren’t allowed, they should be kept minimal.

The industrial-inspired interior design doesn’t bode well with a lot of accessories. If you want to add something, keep it low. The materials and shapes of the walls and furniture are enough on their own. They have a bold texture that can replace a lot of decoration and accessories. Having an overcrowded industrial space can become overwhelming. Keep the space open and clutter-free.

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